Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Flowers In A Pewter Cup

Flowers In A Pewter Cup 5 in. x 7 in. Watercolor On Paper

The subject is Zenia's from my wife's flower garden in an old pewter cup.

The painting is 5x7 in and is matted on a 11x14 in mat and is ready to frame.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Peonies In A Ball Jar

Peonies In A Jar 11 in. x 14 in. Oil on Canvas

The subject is three of my wife's Peonies. The jar is an old Ball Jar with the blue tint. It is actually one of the two jars that I use for water for my watercolors.

I've mentioned before in my painting descriptions that I typically paint still life chiaroscuro with the subject emerging from darkness but this year I've been somewhat enamored with painting a lot of things in full light. I really like the stark gray-white background with the detailed subject. I hope you like it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Landscape - Field and Post

Field And Post 5 in. x 7 in. Watercolor on Paper

The subject is a gate and farm field in Gallatin, TN

The town that I live in has grown to the point that there isn't a lot of country left. But about 10 miles from me is the area surrounding Gallatin, TN. and there are still a lot of interesting things to see and paint.

This is a gate and field that caught my attention particularly because the grass had turned an interesting shade of yellowish green. It was a little early for that to happen but we didn't get a lot of rain in September. I found the scene to be pleasant and comforting. I hope that you enjoy it.

The painting is mounted on a white mat (11 x 14 in with mat) and is ready to frame. Or of course you can have it remounted.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Watercolor Painting - Plum Plum Peach

Plum Plum Peach 8 in. x 10 in. Watercolor on Paper

The subject is two plums and a peach.

I have used the straight horizontal composition many, many times because it allows for direct contrasting of things. In this painting I was really after the different colors. This was a fun piece for me and I really liked it after I finished. I ended up using it as the wallpaper on my computer monitors too.

The painting is mounted on a white mat (14 x16 in with mat) and is ready to frame. Or of course you can have it remounted.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Watercolor Painting - Pumpkins and Tool Barn

Pumpkins and Tool Barn 11 in. x 14 in. Watercolor on Paper

These are pumpkins in front of a tool barn on my parents home property.

Over the years I have painted pumpkins numerous times. It is always a joy for me from an artists perspective when late Summer and Fall gets here for several reasons. The change in the light is definite, shadows get better, the weather is a little kinder in Tennessee, and I get to paint a few pumpkins. It is something very familiar to me.

This year I really re-kindled my love for watercolor. I'm painting on Windsor & Newton paper now and working with that paper and that medium is really clicking with me. And I think it is the perfect medium for these types of paintings.

The painting is mounted on a white mat and is ready to frame. Or of course you can have it remounted.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Watercolor Painting - Pink Flowers In A Glass Vase

Pink Flowers In A Glass Vase 11 in. x 14 in. Watercolor on Paper

The flowers are from my wife's garden. What struck me most when I was setting this up to paint was the reflection and magnification in the vase of the table top and cloth background. I also really liked the minimal composition with the lone vase and the larger mostly empty background.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Still Life - Orange Tulips

Orange Tulips 11 in. x 14 in. Oil On Canvas

The flowers are some of the tulips that my wife grew in the yard this year. The glass vase was picked up by her a couple of years ago on one of her junk shopping safaris.

I typically paint still life chiaroscuro because I like the drama of the subject emerging from darkness. But when I was setting this up the starkness of the plain gray background and the light on the flowers reminded me of photos that my father used to take of things back in the 60's. I can't put my finger on it exactly but from my American perspective it reminds me of something European from the 60's or 70's. I don't know why.

I really like the painting (my wife does too). I hope that you enjoy it too. In the end I really like the painting. I hope that you enjoy it!