Monday, July 30, 2012

Daily Painting - Still Life - Roses In A Jar

Roses In A Jar 5 in. x 7 in. Oil On Panel - SOLD

These are very small roses in a Mason Jar. The roses came from a plant in our backyard. My wife picked them when they opened over the weekend, put them in the jar and placed it on the kitchen table. This was probably a set-up by her for me, but I saw them this morning and decided to paint them. I really enjoy painting glass so for me this was a fun painting to work on. I like the pink of the flowers against the grayish background. I hope that you enjoy it.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Daily Painting - Still Life - Tomatoes In A Bowl

Tomatoes In A Bowl 8 in. x 10 in. Oil On Panel - BID ON OR BUY THIS PAINTING.

These are more tomatoes from my son's plants. The idea of putting them in the fiesta-ware bowl was my wife's, and it turned out to be a good idea I think. I wanted this painting to be a reminder of summer, so it needed to have a lot of light and I think that the yellow bowl really helped to brighten everything up even more. I'm really happy with the painting, I hope that you like it too!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Daily Painting - Still Life - Pears On A Limb

Pears On A Limb 8 in. x 10 in. Oil On Panel - BID ON OR BUY THIS PAINTING.

These are more pears from my mother-in -law's tree. I took the limb and the pears home to work on this. I originally planned to use a sky blue background on the painting, but after setting this up in the studio I decided on a grayish-green background, and I'm glad that I did. The painting is part still life and part landscape, and I really liked the effect of a studio type background against these pears. I hope that you like the painting too!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Daily Painting - Still Life - Katie's Pears

Katie's Pears 5 in. x 7 in. Oil On Panel - SOLD

These pears are from one of my mother in-law's pear trees. I took them from the tree yesterday afternoon to paint them. I wanted to get a jump on them because most of them somehow disappear from the tree as they start to ripen. For this painting I was most interested in the lighting and the really neat looking stems and leaves. I hope that you enjoy the painting!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Daily Painting - Still Life - Bottlenecks

Bottlenecks 5 in. x 7 in. Oil On Panel - BID ON OR BUY THIS PAINTING.

These are three bottles that I had in my studio. I painted this for the contrast in the colors and transparency of the bottles. I thought that painting the top half of them added an interesting effect since unless you know what type they are there is a little bit of mystery to the painting. The bottles actually are port wine, sparkling water, and an energy drink. I hope that you enjoy it.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Daily Painting - Still Life - Mango, Plum, And Apricot

Mango, Plum, And Apricot 5 in. x 7 in. Oil On Panel - BID ON OR BUY THIS PAINTING.

This painting is the result of a trip to the grocery store this morning. I'd painted a mango and an apricot only one time before and I thought that the the color of the fruit was fantastic. So I put them against a grayish gold-white background to try to enhance the colors. The composition kind of looks like the mango is lording over the little plum and apricot. I'm happy with the painting, especially the colors. I hope that you like it too!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Daily Painting - Still Life - Three Tomatoes

Three Tomatoes 5 in. x 7 in. Oil On Panel - SOLD

These are three tomatoes that came from our small garden. I wanted to paint these primarily because they are in different stages of ripeness. I suspect that the one on the left will be on the dinner table tonight, however it has been forever immortalized in paint! In the end I'm very happy with the result of the painting. I hope that you enjoy it too.